Edit the terms in the boxes below then click the generate button. You can separate terms with commas or line breaks. Bookmark the resulting page (Ctrl + D) to re-use it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does WordMaster work?
You create a puzzle or series of puzzles and share the link with those who wish to play.
If you use multiple words, they are presented in order.
Words are encrypted making it difficult for players to determine the answers from the URL.
WordMaster puzzles are like a word-based version of MasterMind, similar to Jotto or Wordle:
Players have 6 attempts to guess the word.
After each attempt the letters are color coded:
Gray = that letter does not appear in the word.
Yellow = you have the right letter, but not in the right place.
Green = you have the correct letter in the correct position.
Important differences from Wordle:
There is no dictionary. Players may type whatever they wish, including gibberish.
There is no standard character set. You may use numbers, symbols, and non-English characters in your puzzles (but players will need to be able to type those characters.)
You may use words of any length up to 10 characters. 5 character words are recommended.